How to implement the GrowSurf REST API in common use-case scenarios.
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The following examples use Node.js.
Example 1: Trigger a referral on qualifying action (e.g, on conversion, purchase or upgrade)
Airbnb as an example
"Send a friend $40 in Airbnb credit. You’ll get $20 when they travel and $75 when they host."
Follow this tutorial if your campaign's referral trigger is Qualifying Action, where a referrer only receives credit when the person they referred signs up AND performs a certain qualifying action.
Important Note: If your campaign is configured to add participants automatically through a form on your website (see image), skip this step.
First, in the code where you capture the new user's email, add them to your GrowSurf campaign as a participant with the POST Add participant method. Alternatively, you can use the JavaScript method growsurf.addParticipant() instead to add participants.
The example below is what that code could look like when using the REST API.
Code Example
constrequest=require("request");let options = { method:'POST', url:'', headers: { Authorization:'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' }, json:true};constsignUp= user => { // Set the body of the GrowSurf API requestoptions.body = user;// Send the API request to add the user as a new participant in your GrowSurf campaignrequest(options, (error, response, body) => {if (error) {thrownewError(error); };// Save the new user to your database (optional)saveUser(user, growsurfId); });};
At line 21, we set the GrowSurf participant ID as a variable called growsurfId.
At line 23, saveUser(user, growsurfId) is an example function you would use to save the GrowSurf participant ID to the new user in your database. We will use this growsurfId value later for triggering a referral.
Don't want to save the growsurfId to your database?
The participant'semail can be used instead of the growsurfId to trigger a referral later. If you have access to the participant's email then there is no need to persist the growsurfId into your database.
At line 11, the user argument passed into signUp(user) is an Object that looks like this:
{ email:'', firstName:'Sally', lastName:'Mayweathers', referredBy:'1cca8d',// The referrer's unique GrowSurf ID. Can also be the referrer's unique email address metadata: { phoneNumber:'+1 415-123-4567', country:'USA', zipCode:'94303' } }
At line 5, we use referredBy to associate this new user with a referrer. This value can be the referrer's email address or unique GrowSurf ID (you may want to use growsurf.getReferrerId() to retrieve the referrer ID).
At line 6, we save a shallow metadata Object to the GrowSurf Participant. This is optional, but is useful for viewing specific participant information in your GrowSurf dashboard (see image).
Step 3: Trigger the referral
Important Note: Make sure your campaign's referral trigger is set to Sign Up + Qualifying Action (see image). If the referral trigger is set to Sign Up, triggering referrals will not work since referral credit has already been provided.
The example below is what that code could look like.
Code Example
constrequest=require("request");let options = { method:'POST', headers: { Authorization:'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' }, json:true};constpurchase= growsurfId => {// ...code that makes the purchase...// Set the GrowSurf API request URL with the participant's IDoptions.url =`${growsurfId}/ref`;// Send the API request to trigger the referralrequest(options, (error, response, body) => {if (error) {thrownewError(error); }// Check to see if the referral was triggered successfullyconst { success,message } =body.success;if(success) {console.log('Referral trigger success!'); } else {console.log('Referral trigger failed :( ', message); } });};
At line 11, we passed a growsurfId argument, which is the GrowSurf participant's unique ID and is required in the API call. If you do not have access to the growsurfId of the participant, the participant email can be used instead.
Remember to set up reward fulfillment automation
Make sure you have Webhooks or Zapier set up so that rewards automatically get fulfilled to the participant once they reach a reward goal.
Example 2: Trigger a referral on signup event
Dropbox as an example
"For every friend you refer, you’ll both receive an extra 250MB in cloud storage."
Follow this tutorial if your campaign's referral trigger is Signup Event,where a referrer receives credit when the person they referred signs up with their email address.
Step 2: Add the participant (and trigger the referral at the same time)
Important Note: If your campaign is configured to add participants automatically through a form on your website (see image), skip this step.
Important Note: Make sure your campaign's referral trigger is set to Signup Event (see image).
In the code where you capture the new user's email, add them to your GrowSurf campaign as a participant with the POST Add participant method.
The example below is what that code could look like.
Code Example
constrequest=require("request");let options = { method:'POST', url:'', headers: { Authorization:'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' }, json:true};constsignUp= user => { // Set the body of the GrowSurf API requestoptions.body = user;// Send the API request to add the user as a new participant in your GrowSurf campaignrequest(options, (error, response, body) => {if (error) {thrownewError(error); }// Save the new user to your database (Optional)saveUser(); });};
At line 12, the user argument passed into signUp(user) is an Object that looks like this:
{ email:'', firstName:'Sally', lastName:'Mayweathers', referredBy:'1cca8d',// The referrer's unique GrowSurf ID. Can also be the referrer's unique email address referralStatus:'CREDIT_AWARDED', metadata: { phoneNumber:'+1 415-123-4567', country:'USA', zipCode:'94303' } }
At line 5, we use referredBy to associate this new user with a referrer. This value can be the referrer's email address or unique GrowSurf ID (you may want to use growsurf.getReferrerId() to retrieve the referrer ID)
At line 6, we set referralStatus to be CREDIT_AWARDED. This triggers the referral credit at the same time that this new participant is added (and it overrides the campaign referral trigger (what's a referral trigger?) that was set from the Installation step of the Campaign Editor (see image).
Note:referralStatus must be used with referredBy, or else it will be ignored.
At line 7, we save a shallow metadata Object to the GrowSurf Participant. This is optional, but is useful for viewing specific participant information in your GrowSurf dashboard (see image).
Remember to set up reward fulfillment automation
Make sure you have Webhooks or Zapier set up so that rewards automatically get fulfilled to the participant once they reach a reward goal.
Example 3: Get a participant's details
Let's say you want to display a participant's referral progress/stats/rewards in your website or mobile app. With the REST API, you can fetch Participants and ParticipantRewards by using either of the following API methods:
Let's say your server calls your database to retrieve user details and in that same call you want to send their participant information by using their unique email.
The example below is what that code could look like.
Code Example
constrequest=require("request");let options = { method:'GET', headers: { Authorization:'Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' }};constgetUserDetails= userEmail => {// ...Call your database to get user details...// ...code here...// Get the GrowSurf participant's detailsrequest(options, (error, response, body) => {options.url =`${userEmail}`;if (error) {thrownewError(error); }console.log(body); });};
At line 10, we passed userEmail so we could set it in the GrowSurf API URL at line 16.
At line 20, console.log would print something like this:
Let's say you want to delete a list of participants in your GrowSurf Campaign. With the REST API, you can use the DELETE Remove Participant by Email endpoint to loop through a CSV list of participants to accomplish this.
Code Example (Node.js)
In this example, we've provided two sample files you may download and use. Follow the instructions below:
Replace API_KEY and CAMPAIGN_ID at lines 1 and 2 in the script.js file, respectfully.
Replace the email addresses in the emails.csv file with your own list of participants that you want to delete (keep the column header labeled as "Email")
Run npm install request require csv-parser to install dependencies
Run node script.js to run the script
constAPI_KEY="ABC123FS9GM2FBJFZ68T7JNAMRCZ"// Replace with your own API keyconstCAMPAIGN_ID="2x3b5c"; // Replace with your campaign IDconstrequest=require('request');constcsv=require("csv-parser");constfs=require("fs");asyncfunctionremoveParticipant(participantEmail) {constheaders= {"Authorization":`Bearer ${API_KEY}`,'Content-Type':'application/json' };consturl=`${CAMPAIGN_ID}/participant/${participantEmail}`;constoptions= {'method':'DELETE','url': url,'headers': headers };request(options,function (error, response) {if (error) {thrownewError(error); } else {constresponseBody=JSON.parse(response.body);if (responseBody.success) {console.log(`✅ ${participantEmail} removed successfully`); } else {console.log(`❌ Error removing ${participantEmail} (${responseBody.message})`); } } });}asyncfunctionmain() {constreader=fs.createReadStream("emails.csv").pipe(csv());forawait (constrowof reader) {if (row["Email"]) {constparticipantEmail= row["Email"];awaitremoveParticipant(participantEmail);awaitnewPromise(resolve =>setTimeout(resolve,1000)); // Slow down by 1 second per request } }}main();